I am quite sure that you Democrat sheep don't want to read this, but perhaps there are enough of you with functioning brains out there who remember the massive voter fraud perpetrated by the Democratic Party in the 2000 Presidential election.
So let's start from the top. Florida, and the apparent inability of the residents of Florida to properly punch a ballot card.
Do you remember the hanging chads, the pregnant chads, the dimpled chads, the chads that looked like Tipper Gore's breasts, and the rest of that nonsense?
Do you remember the legions of Democratic Party lawyers who swarmed into every county in Florida to challenge the legality of thousands of absentee ballots, especially those submitted by overseas military personnel who have a propensity to vote for Republicans?
Do you remember the "two time zone scandal" on election night in 2000, when the Florida Secretary Of State requested that the TV networks not post their Florida election projections until the heavily-Republican Florida panhandle precincts in the Central Time Zone had closed, and the TV networks ignored her request and projected George Bush the winner of Florida, which caused several thousand Republican Florida panhandle voters to "not bother" voting?
Do you remember the nonsense about "disenfranchised black voters", and senior citizen voters found "screaming and crying in the parking lots" of the polling places, and other assorted fabrications by the Democrats?
Do you remember the Democrats insisting on circumventing Florida election law by requesting recounts ONLY in the heavily-Democratic counties, and not ALL Florida counties as required by Florida law?
Do you remember the U.S. Supreme Court confirming Florida election law by ruling that the Democratic Party must request vote recounts in ALL Florida counties, not just selected counties?
Do you remember all of the major TV networks and most major left wing newspapers rushing down to Florida to perform their own vote recounts after Al Gore finally terminated his attempted coup d' etat, and ALL OF THEM finding that George W. Bush won the state of Florida by over 500 votes?
Do you remember the voter fraud that occurred around the nation on election night 2000? Just to refresh your memories:
In Wisconsin, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of left wing college students organized themselves and went from precinct to precinct casting their votes for Al Gore multiple times. Some of these students bragged to the TV cameras that they "voted early, and voted often".
In Missouri, a federal judge in St. Louis ordered precincts in heavily -Democratic areas of St. Louis to stay open an additional TWO HOURS to allow "disenfranchised black voters" more time to cast their ballots, which ultimately led to John Ashcroft losing his Senate seat to a DEAD MAN?
In South Dakota, Tom Daschle barely squeeked out a victory to hold on to his Senate seat, thanks to the overwhelming support of dead indians and unregistered drunk indians?
How about the 2002 election?
Remember how the New Jersey Supreme Court circumvented New Jersey state election law by allowing the Democratic Party to replace a disgraced Senator Toricelli with fossilized former Senator Frank Lautenberg because the Dems were in serious danger of losing Toricelli's Senate seat to the Republicans?
Remember how the Democrats turned the funeral of their fallen Minnesota Senator into a tacky pep rally, hurling insults and poltical rhetoric at the Republican politicians who came to the funeral to pay their respects to their Senate colleague?
Remember how the Democrats held on to the OTHER Senate seat in South Dakota by a few hundred votes, thanks once again to the dead indian and unregistered drunk indian vote?
The list goes on and on and on.........
My point is that the ONLY way John Kerry can beat President Bush in this election is through MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD. I hope that the Republican Party is prepared to have monitors at EVERY precinct in the United States, and I hope that the Republican Party is prepared for a lengthy court battle with the Democrats in EVERY state where the vote is close.
If John Kerry pulls off his COUP D' ETAT in November and he FRAUDULENTLY defeats President Bush, I predict that CIVIL WAR will be the ultimate path this great country will have to take.