Dick Cheney took "pony boy" out to the woodshed and gave him the beating of his life.
Various comments I have heard are:
"Edwards was the trial lawyer. Cheney was the judge."
"Cheney was the college professor. Edwards was the pimply-faced freshman with a C-average."
In my not-so-humble opinion, Dick Cheney handily defeated John Edwards in the debate. Cheney came across as the stoic, fatherly, brutally honest, savvy, consistent, well-prepared, seasoned Vice President that he is. He continually spanked Edwards on almost EVERY issue.
John Edwards, on the other hand, came across as a spoiled, snotty, sassy, smart-ass rich kid who tried to bully Cheney but ended up making himself look like a bumbling, inexperienced hit-man who lost the address of his intended victim.
I am sure you lefties disagree with me. I would be disappointed if you DIDN'T disagree with me.
This race is OVER, leftie sheep. OVER! The SCIENTIFIC polling data shows that President Bush will win HANDILY next month, to the tune of at LEAST 350 electoral votes.
It's actually quite sad to see these left wing cheerleader polls, like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. put out these nonsensical polling results that are about as scientific as pulling a name out of a hat, then watching you leftie sheep get so excited that you soil yourselves with glee when Dan Rather tells you that the race is a "statistical dead heat".
The only thing I know of that is a "statistical dead heat" is the Dan Rather vs. Kitty Kelley credibility poll.