We welcome all levels of intelligence, even the bed-wetting, booger-eating left wing sheep! If what we state in here angers you, pleases you, causes you to re-think your painfully naive beliefs, or conjures up a rare episode of independent thought, then
Democratic Party lawyers are swarming all over the country, concentrating their post-November 2nd "election fraud", "voter disenfranchisement", and "vote recount" lawsuits in all of the "battleground" states.

Democratic Party operatives are encouraging their sheep supporters on November 2nd to falsely claim that they were turned away from polling places, refused their right to vote, or discouraged from voting, and to tell their lies to the very receptive left-wing news media.

Massive voter registration fraud perpetrated by the Democratic Party is already well under way, with thousands of voters already registered in MULTIPLE states, thousands of voters registered under different names, and thousands of ineligible voters (convicted felons, illegal aliens, underage youths, etc.) fraudulently registered to vote.

In the past few days, Jesse Jackson AND John Kerry have spoken to black church congregations and black civil rights groups and have falsely claimed that ONE MILLION black voters were "disenfranchised" and "denied their right to vote" in the 2000 election.

This Presidential election should be EASILY won by President George W. Bush. The ONLY way that John Kerry can beat President Bush is to FRAUDULENTLY seize this election through voter fraud and bogus lawsuits.

John Kerry's attempt at a COUP DE 'ETAT will fail, and if there is ANY justice in this country anymore, Senator Kerry, Senator Edwards, and the operatives of the Kerry/Edwards campaign will ALL be arrested and thrown in jail.

We will see what happens. The SURVIVAL of the United States Of America depends on what happens on November 2nd, and the days and weeks that follow.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 15, 2004
That's right, I've got every dead person in all the local cemetaries registered to vote. We're even registering our PETS. It's going to be the biggest theft this country has ever seen. We're coming for you, CONSERVATIVE AMERICA! We're GOING TO EAT YOUR CHILDREN! We're GOING TO BURN YOUR BIBLES! We're GOING TO MAKE YOU MARRY SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX! The LIBERAL AGENDA's TIME HAS COME. When the 50 stars on the AMERICAN RAG are turned into a HAMMER AND SICKLE, only THEN will we feel at home in this horrid land -- and all you RELIGIOUS WACKOS and BOURGEOISE CAPITALISTS will be our COLLECTIVE FARM SLAVES!

Liberte, Égalité, Fraternité! Vivent longtemps la révolution! John Kerry est notre roi! La mort aux tyrants et aux conservateurs! Nous régnerons! Vous ne nous arrêterez jamais! Nous alimenterons vos corps aux flammes!
on Oct 15, 2004

Reply #1 By: Myrrander - 10/15/2004 8:18:17 PM
That's right, I've got every dead person in all the local cemetaries registered to vote. We're even registering our PETS. It's going to be the biggest theft this country has ever seen. We're coming for you, CONSERVATIVE AMERICA! We're GOING TO EAT YOUR CHILDREN! We're GOING TO BURN YOUR BIBLES! We're GOING TO MAKE YOU MARRY SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX! The LIBERAL AGENDA's TIME HAS COME. When the 50 stars on the AMERICAN RAG are turned into a HAMMER AND SICKLE, only THEN will we feel at home in this horrid land -- and all you RELIGIOUS WACKOS and BOURGEOISE CAPITALISTS will be our COLLECTIVE FARM SLAVES!

Liberte, Égalité, Fraternité! Vivent longtemps la révolution! John Kerry est notre roi! La mort aux tyrants et aux conservateurs! Nous régnerons! Vous ne nous arrêterez jamais! Nous alimenterons vos corps aux flammes!

Awlright already say it in "ingltch" if you please or for that matter even if you don't please.
on Oct 15, 2004
Freedom, Equality, Fraternity! Live the revolution a long time! John Kerry is our king! Death with the tyrants and the conservatives! We will reign! You will never stop us! We will feed your bodies with the flames!

Sheesh how many times do I have to say for a quick look at what was typed in a foreign language use babelfish.altavista.com

Oh well.

C'est tous Grec à moi!!

All I know in French is Bon jour, we, and C'est La Vie, oh and Viva la...whatever.

Cause this is my United States of...WHATEVER!!

- Grimcolm X

on Oct 15, 2004
Myrrander, I really loved this post:
That's right, I've got every dead person in all the local cemetaries registered to vote. We're even registering our PETS. It's going to be the biggest theft this country has ever seen. We're coming for you, CONSERVATIVE AMERICA! We're GOING TO EAT YOUR CHILDREN! We're GOING TO BURN YOUR BIBLES! We're GOING TO MAKE YOU MARRY SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX! The LIBERAL AGENDA's TIME HAS COME. When the 50 stars on the AMERICAN RAG are turned into a HAMMER AND SICKLE, only THEN will we feel at home in this horrid land -- and all you RELIGIOUS WACKOS and BOURGEOISE CAPITALISTS will be our COLLECTIVE FARM SLAVES!

I can't quite translate the French part of it, but I know why you wrote it that way.

The SURVIVAL of the United States Of America depends on what happens on November 2nd, and the days and weeks that follow.

This is the very reason why I'm voting for Kerry. And that's all I'm going to say about it because neither of us is going to change the other's mind.
on Oct 15, 2004
Reply By: MyrranderPosted: Friday, October 15, 2004That's right, I've got every dead person in all the local cemetaries registered to vote. We're even registering our PETS. It's going to be the biggest theft this country has ever seen. We're coming for you, CONSERVATIVE AMERICA! We're GOING TO EAT YOUR CHILDREN! We're GOING TO BURN YOUR BIBLES! We're GOING TO MAKE YOU MARRY SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX! The LIBERAL AGENDA's TIME HAS COME. When the 50 stars on the AMERICAN RAG are turned into a HAMMER AND SICKLE, only THEN will we feel at home in this horrid land -- and all you RELIGIOUS WACKOS and BOURGEOISE CAPITALISTS will be our COLLECTIVE FARM SLAVES!Liberte, Égalité, Fraternité! Vivent longtemps la révolution! John Kerry est notre roi! La mort aux tyrants et aux conservateurs! Nous régnerons! Vous ne nous arrêterez jamais! Nous alimenterons vos corps aux flammes!

Myrrander, I could not have said it better myself if I were a leftie sheep like you. I also find it ironic, and appropriate, that you chose to speak FRENCH.

You have such potential, Myrrander. An educated man, a school teacher, bi-lingual...............just WHEN and WHERE did you make your HARD LEFT TURN? When did you decide to abandon independent thought and become a naive, gullible, Stalinist sheep?
on Oct 15, 2004
How's the Nazi party holding up Patroit? You're a funny guy...and really, I do mean that. Keep up the good whacko work...I'm not really a conservative but I would think the other Republicans here would find you rather embarrassing..again keep up the good work!
on Oct 15, 2004
"In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, would not hesitate to squish him like a worm."

--Ernesto "Che" Guevara

"When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use."

--Josef Stalin

Well, I'm off to bed -- with visions of collectively farmed sugar plums dancing through my head. Bonne nuit, mon bon ami!
on Oct 15, 2004
Reply #6 By: Oogie31 - 10/15/2004 10:36:48 PM
How's the Nazi party holding up Patroit? You're a funny guy...and really, I do mean that. Keep up the good whacko work...I'm not really a conservative but I would think the other Republicans here would find you rather embarrassing..again keep up the good work

You've seen his handle, now you know it's appropriate. I'm not embarrased, and I am and always have been a right-wing republican. He does tend to go off the deep end once in a while. More so than I do but what the heck.
on Oct 15, 2004
I'm going to speak from experience here a little bit.

In my conversations about politics, I've never heard a liberal or democrat accuse a conservative or republican of not thinking for themselves. This is the second time I've experienced someone on the right accusing someone on the left of not thinking for themselves. However, I find that for the most part, the ones on the right are the ones that follow the doctrine of his/her church to a T, either blindly or after much "considering". "Considering" in that context means about the same as saying you are "considering" between choosing chocolate ice cream or fudge; they've already decided but say they're considering so they don't look so much like lemmings.
on Oct 15, 2004
This article seems as if it's only been considered after looking at the issue from one side. The voting machines that are being used this election have had multiple difficulties not limited, to hacking, crashing, and having no paper trail.
on Oct 16, 2004
Reply By: Oogie31Posted: Friday, October 15, 2004How's the Nazi party holding up Patroit? You're a funny guy...and really, I do mean that. Keep up the good whacko work...I'm not really a conservative but I would think the other Republicans here would find you rather embarrassing..again keep up the good work!

Oogie, Oogie, Oogie..............I had NO IDEA that you have your slimy little fingers on the pulse of all of the "Republicans" in here, and I didn't know that you were their spokesman.

I could care less what the Republicans in here think of me, because deep down inside, in places they don't care to talk about, they NEED me on that hill, they WANT me on that hill. I have the intestinal fortitude to say what the docile, semi-comatose conservatives WANT to say but don' have the guts to say it.

If Kerry wins this election thanks to idiots like YOU, I will have the unfortunate task of telling you and all of the other leftie sheep in here I TOLD YOU SO, when our major cities are in ruins from terrorist attacks, and your loved ones are lying DEAD in the streets, all because John Kerry could not convince FRANCE to let us defend ourselves against Islamo-terrorism.

Oh, one more thing, pony boy. Crack open a history book and read about the NAZIS. I am HARDLY a Nazi. But YOU are most definitely a STALINIST. Funny how all of you leftie sheep label us conservatives as "Nazis" whenever your feeble brains lock up and that's all you can come up with.

on Oct 16, 2004
Unsere ist ein hohes und einsames Schicksal, mein Führer. Wurde Sie mögen etwas schnitzel?
on Oct 16, 2004
Reply By: apdelong31Posted: Friday, October 15, 2004I'm going to speak from experience here a little bit.In my conversations about politics, I've never heard a liberal or democrat accuse a conservative or republican of not thinking for themselves. This is the second time I've experienced someone on the right accusing someone on the left of not thinking for themselves. However, I find that for the most part, the ones on the right are the ones that follow the doctrine of his/her church to a T, either blindly or after much "considering". "Considering" in that context means about the same as saying you are "considering" between choosing chocolate ice cream or fudge; they've already decided but say they're considering so they don't look so much like lemmings.

I hate to burst your bubble and reduce your "argument" to rubble, but I personally do not attend church. Do I believe there is a greater being than John Kerry? Yes I do..........a cockroach comes to mind. Do I believe in God? Yes I do. Many things have happened in my life that cannot be explained "logically" or with "science" or "dumb luck". Do I believe that Jesus Christ walked this earth and died for our sins? Yes I do. FAITH comes from within, not by getting up on Sunday morning and going to a place of worship.

Why is it that you Stalinists consider people "of faith" to be horrible people? Does the fact that there are millions of people out there who believe in a greater being than John Kerry or Ted Kennedy INTIMIDATE you?

It is not MY problem that you lefties don't possess a MORAL COMPASS, don't possess CORE VALUES, and don't worhip anything more substantial than your big screen TV or your BMW.

I am not afraid of dying. You lefties should be TERRIFIED of dying.
on Oct 16, 2004
Do you people not understand yet that we will not be terrorised by you? How dare you threaten us with terrorists when you are the ones terrorising? Republican: vote for us or you'll die.
Why do you think young people are coming out in record numbers wearing shirts that say vote or die? Like it not, Americans are taking our country back!
Ready to steal elections? I think it's in Oregon where they are already investigating REPUBLICANS for ripping up the registration cards of Democrats!
on Oct 16, 2004
Where can I get one of these "moral compasses"? Do they sell them at Wal-Mart, alongside the "Left Behind" books?
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