OK, so it's all over with. President Bush wins re-election by a 52%-47% margin. The Republicans pick up 4 Senate seats and 6 House seats.
Tom Daschle loses. John Edwards not only CAN'T deliver his home state of North Carolina, but he can't even deliver his vacant Senate seat.
It is a GREAT VICTORY for the United States Of America. A good and honorable and decent man has won re-election, and has been given a CLEAR majority in the U.S. Senate. Social Security reform, health care reform, economic growth, tax reform, final victory in Iraq, the destruction of the Islamo-terrorists, and numerous other great things are on the way!
Despite the BEST efforts of George Soros and his Stalinist 527 organizations (moveon.org, ACT, ANSWER, etc.), Dan Rather and his poor attempt at trafficking in forged documents, the New York Times and CBS and their ill-fated attempt at springing an "October surprise" on the voters (the "missing" explosives in Iraq), CNN and their ridiculously left wing bias and their stubborn refusal to declare Ohio in the Bush column on election night, and the usual Bush-hating, Islamo-terrorist appeasing "news" organizations like ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Al Jazeera, El Arabiya, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, etc. etc., etc., George Bush overcame all of the lies and hatred and rhetoric and divisiveness and viciousness of the Democratic Party political machine and WON THE ELECTION.
Terry McAuliffe is GONE. John Edwards is GONE. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy have been reduced to pathetic caricatures of their former selves. Tom Daschle is GONE. Bob Graham is GONE. John Breaux is GONE. Zell Miller has been replaced by a Republican, not only in SPIRIT, but in NAME.
I was particularly impressed with John Kerry's quick recognition of defeat. Instead of dragging the country through weeks of court battles, litigation, hanging chads, pregnant chads, dimpled chads, false accusations of "voter suppression" and "voter disenfranchisement", John Kerry took the high road (surprisingly enough), took defeat like a MAN, and called George Bush to concede defeat. Kerry also gave a very classy concession speech. On the other hand, John Edward's "concession" speech was more like a campaign speech for the 2008 election. Edwards is a nothing more than a classless, idiotic political hack.
George Bush will no doubt be responsible for nominating anywhere from 2-4 new Supreme Court justices over the next 4 years.
George Bush will overhaul the tax system in this country and more than likely completely eliminate the Internal Revenue Service.
George Bush will strengthen the Social Security System by allowing young participants to take up to 10% of their social security taxes and INVEST that money themselves.
George Bush will make it easier for people to obtain decent, affordable health care by establishing health care clinics all over the USA, instead of people overrunning hospital emergency rooms when they need basic health care.
George Bush will make it clear, once again, to the rest of the world that you are "either with us or against us". He will not tolerate the corruption of the United Nations, their anti-American bias, and their gutless and appeasing attitudes towards world terrorism.
George Bush won much more than re-election. President Bush won a mandate that says to the rest of the world............We really don't CARE what you think of our President or our country. We the people of the United States Of America are comfortable in the belief that we are the most generous, most giving, most tolerant people in the history of the world. Continuing to harvest your anger and envy against your BEST FRIEND is counterproductive, destructive, and just plain stupid.