Welcome to my post-Presidential debate analysis. First of all, let me say that virtually EVERYTHING we knew about these two men BEFORE the debate was confirmed AFTER the debate was over.
John Kerry is a FLIP-FLOPPER. John Kerry is a good debater. John Kerry is a believer in the United Nations determining if and when the United States Of America can defend itself, and that the USA must pass some sort of "global test" before we can "act unilaterally" to defend ourselves.
The PROBLEM with John Kerry is that he talks out of BOTH SIDES of his mouth. As President Bush stated during the debate, the ONLY consistent thing about John Kerry is his INCONSISTENCY.
John Kerry has characterized the 30+ nations who are assisting the United States in Iraq the "coalition of the duped", the "coalition of the coerced", and the "coalition of the bribed".
John Kerry states that the USA "acted unilaterally" when the coalition liberated Iraq.
John Kerry has stated that the Iraqi War was the "wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time".
I am sure that Great Britain, Australia, Poland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and the other 25 or so nations who are presently in Iraq are very GRATIFIED to know what John Kerry thinks of them and their mission and their sacrifice.
I am sure that Al Qaeda and the Iranian and Syrian-funded "insurgents" who are presently wreaking havoc in Iraq are very GRATIFIED to know that a man who wants to be President Of The United States is providing them with the WILL and the INCENTIVE and the MORAL SUPPORT to keep on murdering innocent Iraqi adults and children, killing U.S. soldiers, blowing up buildings, and kidnapping and beheading civilian contractors.
Somehow, despite all that he has stated about the coalition of 30+ nations, John Kerry states that if he is elected President, he is going to "build bridges" with the nations who HE believes don't like the USA anymore, and that he will somehow be able to put together a "grand coalition" of nations to secure and rebuild Iraq. I can see it now..........the French and Germans and Russians will be FLOCKING to the White House to BEG President Kerry to be a part of the Iraqi coalition. These so-called "allies" of ours will suddenly offer to POUR money and military personnel and equipment into Iraq at the request of President John F. Kerry. Then the other 30+ countries who are presently in Iraq will just have to bite the bullet and forgive John for his condescending attitude towards them.
Then we have John Kerry, "Mr. Coalition" and "Mr. World Global Test", criticizing President Bush for trying to solve the North Korea nuclear weapons situation PEACEFULLY by getting OTHER NATIONS involved (like China, Russia, South Korea, and Japan). Kerry thinks that the USA should negotiate with North Korea ALONE, like the Clinton administration did. Apparently Mr. Kerry forgot what happened when Jimmy Carter and Madeline Albright went over to North Korea and negotiated a "settlement" with Kim Jong Il. The North Koreans accepted our billions of dollars in aid, let us build them a couple of nice nuclear power plants, then basically told the USA to PACK SAND. Mr. Kerry wants to DO THE SAME THING again, and ignore the FACT that it is CHINA and RUSSIA that have much more LEVERAGE with North Korea than we do, and it is a COALITION of nations that will have to resolve this situation.
So, the bottom line is this. No matter WHAT President Bush says or does, John Kerry will take the OPPOSITE POSITION during this election season, whether he believes in what he says or not.
The problem with John Kerry is that he has no CORE BELIEFS and no FOUNDATION to build his CORE VALUES on. John Kerry's positions on virtually ANY topic are based on political expediency and political expediency ALONE.
John Kerry is the TRUE "Manchurian Candidate".