We welcome all levels of intelligence, even the bed-wetting, booger-eating left wing sheep! If what we state in here angers you, pleases you, causes you to re-think your painfully naive beliefs, or conjures up a rare episode of independent thought, then
Patriot_Flamethrower's Articles In Politics » Page 2
October 7, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
Dick Cheney took "pony boy" out to the woodshed and gave him the beating of his life. Various comments I have heard are: "Edwards was the trial lawyer. Cheney was the judge." "Cheney was the college professor. Edwards was the pimply-faced freshman with a C-average." In my not-so-humble opinion, Dick Cheney handily defeated John Edwards in the debate. Cheney came across as the stoic, fatherly, brutally honest, savvy, consistent, well-prepared, seasoned Vice President that he...
October 2, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
I am not being facetious. I am not being sarcastic. I am not being partisan. I am not being melodramatic. I am not being humorous. I am not being morbid. I am not being hysterical. I am being HONEST with all of you. As HONEST as I can be. If John F. Kerry is elected President Of The United States in November, our country will immediately be in grave danger. From the moment he is sworn in in January of 2005, we are all in danger of imminent attack and ultimate destruction by the ...
October 1, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
Welcome to my post-Presidential debate analysis. First of all, let me say that virtually EVERYTHING we knew about these two men BEFORE the debate was confirmed AFTER the debate was over. John Kerry is a FLIP-FLOPPER. John Kerry is a good debater. John Kerry is a believer in the United Nations determining if and when the United States Of America can defend itself, and that the USA must pass some sort of "global test" before we can "act unilaterally" to defend ourselves. The PROBLEM wi...
September 29, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
I don't know about the rest of you, but I pop in a Bruce Springsteen or REM or Pearl Jam CD to listen to the MUSIC. I plop down 10 bucks at a movie theatre to be ENTERTAINED by my favorite actors. I could CARE LESS what Bruce and Eddie and Susan Sarandon and Alec Baldwin and Martin Sheen think about President Bush. I could CARE LESS what the Hollywood elites and the musicians think about the war in Iraq or the economy or anything else. Why can't they all just do WHAT THEY ARE GOOD A...
September 28, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
I am quite sure that you Democrat sheep don't want to read this, but perhaps there are enough of you with functioning brains out there who remember the massive voter fraud perpetrated by the Democratic Party in the 2000 Presidential election. So let's start from the top. Florida, and the apparent inability of the residents of Florida to properly punch a ballot card. Do you remember the hanging chads, the pregnant chads, the dimpled chads, the chads that looked like Tipper Gore's breast...
September 27, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the leftie blind sheep who have been following their shepherd, John Kerry, for the past several months. It looks as though Senator Ketchup is ready to pack it in. Alas, Lurch has pulled all of his TV and print ads in Arizona, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, and North Carolina, because of the huge leads that President Bush enjoys in those states. Say, isn't North Carolina Senator Mop Top Edward's HOME STATE? Anyway, perhaps you naive, gull...
September 17, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
AND THE NOMINEES ARE : Senator Bob Graham (D, Florida). On December 8, 2002, Senator Graham stated "We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction." Senator Hillary Clinton (D, New York) . On October 10, 2002, Senator Clinton stated "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein ...
September 16, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
To Be A Good Democrat: 1. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding. 2. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th graders to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex. 3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of the Chinese Communists. 4. You have to believe that there was no art before federal funding. ...
September 16, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
Everytime I see John Kerry, I look at his eyes and I see NOTHING. Kerry has no SOUL. He has this blank stare that makes my SKIN CRAWL. His face looks like something out of a 1950s B horror movie, where the director couldn't afford a decent makeup artist. I'm sorry, Kerry lovers, but PLEASE, is this the BEST that the Democratic Party can do as their nominee in 2004? When are you lefties going to learn that a northeastern blue-blood liberal can NOT win the Presidency? Didn't Michael Du...
September 14, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
Bill O'Reilly has always been a self-important, pompous, narcisistic, arrogant, conceited, condescending ASS, but hey, we can't all be perfect, right? But at least Wild Bill could be counted on for hard-hitting, no-holds-barred interviews and commentary, beginning with his old "Inside Edition" TV show and currently with his FOX News "O'Reilly Factor" TV show. What has happened to you lately, Bill? Your "No Spin Zone" has morphed into the "No-SPINE Zone"! Last night you actually DEFENDED D...
September 14, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
What can you say about CBS News and Dan Rather? "Oops, we got caught again"? Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock..........60 minutes lasted about 59 minutes too long last week, but long enough to make Dan Rather look like the left wing partisan JACK ASS that anybody with a BRAIN knows that he is, and always has been. What happened to ya, Dan? Did ya get caught with your greasy little fingers in the cookie jar AGAIN? Memo to Mr. Rather.........You have been a FRAUD since your Vietnam War...
September 13, 2004 by Patriot_Flamethrower
OK, so maybe I WON'T puke all over the page. I'll just give you all some snippets of what I believe to be the TRUTH, in no particular order. I believe that THIS Presidential election is the most IMPORTANT election in my lifetime, and I am almost 50 years old. I believe that John Kerry is a clear and present danger to the security of the United States Of America and to our way of life in general. I believe that God will not allow Senator Ketchup to win in November, for the simp...